Our lineup for the round 24 match as we play Kariobangi Sharks fc at Kenyatta Stadium, Machakos on Thursday 18th April 2019 for the Sportpesa Premier League Championship as presented by our Head Coach John Baraza and the technical bench
Starting eleven include:
Justin Ndikumana .01
Willis Obayi .03
Mohammed Kilume .04
Faina Jacobs .06
Umaru Kasumba .13
Moussa Omar .15
Titus Achesa .20
Brian Magonya .26
Ibrahim Kitawi .28
John Avire .40
Kepha Aswani .50
Richard Aimo .32
Cliff Kasuti .33
Stephen Waruru .22
Elli Asieche .16
Dennis Omino .14
Micheal Oduor .11
George Maelo .08